SLEEPLESS IN MY SHUTTLE. The decision by shipowners of ill-fated vessels to pay insurance only to the families of victims whose bodies can be accounted for must be immediately jettisoned.
In the case of Filipino boy scouts who all perished in a plane crash many years ago on their way to a jamboree and whose bodies were never found, insurance payments were issued to their respective families.
All those who had perished in past ship tragedies at sea, regardless of whether their bodies were found or not, should be paid insurance in full as this is an obligation of shipowners.
SLEEPLESS IN MY SHUTTLE. The decision by shipowners of ill-fated vessels to pay insurance only to the families of victims whose bodies can be accounted for must be immediately jettisoned.
In the case of Filipino boy scouts who all perished in a plane crash many years ago on their way to a jamboree and whose bodies were never found, insurance payments were issued to their respective families.
All those who had perished in past ship tragedies at sea, regardless of whether their bodies were found or not, should be paid insurance in full as this is an obligation of shipowners.
(Image from http://photos.mg.co.za/)
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