Malacanang Palace, specifically the shameless Office of the President has with it a whopping unliquidated P632 million in cash advances. Just imagine how many toilets that money can build for our public schools where the average ratio is 1 toilet for every 2,000 pupils. In the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) alone, my unimpeachable source tells me that a top official of that agency has a total of P30 million in unliquiated cash advances. If those figures are indeed true, then something is wrong with the values of our public servants - or they simply have no values at all. These pseudo-servants of the people treat government agencies like convenient ATM machines, but are always a bunch of flunkies when lifestyle checks are conducted. Obviously, the stink begins at the top all the way to the bottom. Matter of fact, I have always maintained that "our ship of state is the only ship in the world that leaks from the top," and if that is so, what kind of legacy is this administration boasting about? In the subject 'moral bankruptcy,' they are all straight-A students. But in delicadeza and honor, they are as useless as an old pager of the 90s era having a moral capacity of a minor kitchen appliance.
Malacanang Palace, specifically the shameless Office of the President has with it a whopping unliquidated P632 million in cash advances. Just imagine how many toilets that money can build for our public schools where the average ratio is 1 toilet for every 2,000 pupils. In the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) alone, my unimpeachable source tells me that a top official of that agency has a total of P30 million in unliquiated cash advances. If those figures are indeed true, then something is wrong with the values of our public servants - or they simply have no values at all. These pseudo-servants of the people treat government agencies like convenient ATM machines, but are always a bunch of flunkies when lifestyle checks are conducted. Obviously, the stink begins at the top all the way to the bottom. Matter of fact, I have always maintained that "our ship of state is the only ship in the world that leaks from the top," and if that is so, what kind of legacy is this administration boasting about? In the subject 'moral bankruptcy,' they are all straight-A students. But in delicadeza and honor, they are as useless as an old pager of the 90s era having a moral capacity of a minor kitchen appliance.
(Image from http://www.philsite.net/)