Education authorities should look closely (and perhaps padlock) schools and colleges which have not produced a single licensing examinee.
A shocking discovery here is from a report by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) of a zero performance in the different licensure examinations covering 40 professions and disciplines. The PRC can make public the names of these schools and spare the parents who have been duped into sending their children there.
For example, there are 85 accountancy schools with 0.00 percent passing average. The same failures had been recorded in examinations for architecture, chemistry, nursing, medicine, medical technology, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy and civil engineering licences.
The public should be protected against such nuisance and sub-standard schools or departments of certain schools. Again, parents should be told the names of such schools. The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) should come out with a comprehensive list of non-performing educational institutions to abort speculations that a number of CHEd officials receive retainers from such schools.
(Image from http://www.cmobn.com/)
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