Just last night, I received a text message from a friend who was having his usual coffee treat at his favorite UCC Coffee on Tomas Morato, QC. He was barely on his third sip when suddenly, a deluge of white Mitsubishi Adventure vehicles (three or four) complete with blinkers and sirens, arrived tailing a Suburban which was being escorted by a motorcycle cop. The passenger was Quezon City Vice-Mayor Herbert Bautista who was entering a next-door spa. His "arrival" I was told caused quite a commotion, sort of an "animal arrive," or "hayop ang dating." Upon alighting from his vehicle, his security detail were acting a la secret service men. Okay, I'm over-reacting again. But who really is over-acting here? Herbert is ONLY a vice-mayor. Does he have to "announce" his arrival for all to see? There's always a discreet way of going to places you see. Methinks he overdid it last night, as probably in other similar occasions. In a country where wealth and power are openly displayed, it would be wise to not display them so much as to cause quite a stir. Not to mention the anger from citizens who think so lowly of people in elected and appointive positions. Tip: Arrival 101: Discreetly and Stealthily.
Just last night, I received a text message from a friend who was having his usual coffee treat at his favorite UCC Coffee on Tomas Morato, QC. He was barely on his third sip when suddenly, a deluge of white Mitsubishi Adventure vehicles (three or four) complete with blinkers and sirens, arrived tailing a Suburban which was being escorted by a motorcycle cop. The passenger was Quezon City Vice-Mayor Herbert Bautista who was entering a next-door spa. His "arrival" I was told caused quite a commotion, sort of an "animal arrive," or "hayop ang dating." Upon alighting from his vehicle, his security detail were acting a la secret service men. Okay, I'm over-reacting again. But who really is over-acting here? Herbert is ONLY a vice-mayor. Does he have to "announce" his arrival for all to see? There's always a discreet way of going to places you see. Methinks he overdid it last night, as probably in other similar occasions. In a country where wealth and power are openly displayed, it would be wise to not display them so much as to cause quite a stir. Not to mention the anger from citizens who think so lowly of people in elected and appointive positions. Tip: Arrival 101: Discreetly and Stealthily.
(Image from http://www.yehey.com/
While we're on the subject of escorts and motorcycle cops, I have often wondered why politicians, guests of politicians and others of their ilk always have motorcycle cop escorts with lights and wangwang on their way to and from the airport, while an ambulance trying to thread its way through EDSA to the hospital never has one?
Hello Bambit. It's probably because a hot-shot politician's life is more important than a dying man needing medical attention. Of course I was being sarcastic, but also, on that note, notice how when an ambulance is speeding its way to its destination, there's always an idiot motorist tail-gating the ambulance to get ahead of the rest of the cars? Yes, I just hate those motorcycle cops bullying their way thru traffic just to earn their "racket" for the day. That's why it's always good to bring some bananas to throw at their path when the need to do so arises. Cheers!
Wait till he becomes vice-president...it will be napakahayop ang hayop na dating ng hayop
Hi AdB! hehe what kind of "hayop" would he be then? a warm and cuddly tom-cat?? or a ...
my friend, our taxes are obviously at here... but unfortunately, not for us...
sadly, "Bistek" is not alone... almost all of them are like that. oh well...
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