Malacanang, it seems, wants to make sure that Filipinos undergo some kind of penitential suffering this coming Holy Week, as tradition requires. There will be no respite from the severe power and water shortage.
Long brownouts may cause havoc among people with medical problems. The suffering is particularly acute for people with high-blood pressure, asthma, ulcers, or respiratory ailments. As such, some may be thinking of suing the government.
With the power shortage certain to worsen due to the dry season, Malacanang should seriously consider implementing a suggestion that the government rent floating generator stations or power barges from Singapore, Korea, China and other neighboring countries. Government authorities cannot simply ask for people to pray for rain. A considerable part on natural human effort must be in place as well.
Or, the Palace should also work in earnest for operations of the controversial Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) and forget biases against the project simply because it was built by President Marcos and his cronies. In the long run, government will be praised by the people for setting aside politics in favor of the common welfare.
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will be stepping down from office in a few months. She could go out in a blaze of glory by fashioning out a permanent solution to the country's two permanent woes - lack of electricity and lack of water. The alternative is that she would go down in history as a corrupt and uncaring leader, and it sure looks like the latter.
(Image from http://www.pcij.org/)
Ahh, Leslie, di ba sinadya the brownout for the May 2010 polls?
Ala 1992-elections style when Fidel "Tabako" Ramos supposedly won. I remember some news video scenes of ballots missing/stolen/compromised during the dark hours of brownout. Just a thought....
Greetings JB! Indeed, you have a strong point there. I may have to write a part 3 based on your thoughts. Cheers!
Re: renting power barges Renting costs could be prohibitive -- would be easier to buy.
(Of course, buying can only be advantageous if purchasing authority does not ask for kickbacks.)
Is the "controversial Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP)" the same Westinghouse plant? If so, will cost a tremendous whack of money to put it up to speed. Might be better to buy a new one. Nuclear energy technology has evolved much in the last 20 years.
Hello AdB. I will research further on the wisest way then. yes, westinghouse. There was a Korean group who showed interest in rehabilitating the plant at acceptable costs. Will check on that as well. Cheers and thanks for the added better alternatives.
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