At least those officials in Malacanang and the executive department, faced with the prospect of having to vacate their offices in a couple of months, are trendy.
They have plunged into a selling binge of valuable government properties running into billions of pesos so they can enjoy their retirement in comfort and in style. Some malls call these bargain sales midnight madness.
But here is the damper. Opposition leaders have promised they would send to jail soon-to-depart officials who participate in these anomalous transactions, and in cases involving more than 50 million pesos, the charge would be plunder which is punishable by death. However, has anybody here really been put to death for plunder?
To really discourage such deals, opposition officials warned the buyers that the transactions would not be honored when they come to power.
KJs all, these oppositionists.
(Image from http://kaboodle.com/)
My wish is for all Filipinos to learn to exercise being a KJ. I'd settle for sending plunderers to jail & kept there until they return what's ours with astronomical interest !
My wish is for all Filipinos to learn to exercise being a KJ. I'd settle for sending plunderers to jail & kept there until they return what's ours with astronomical interest !
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